State Project Director, Up Education for All Project Board & Ors. Vs. Saroj Maurya & Ors., Civil Appeal No. 3465 OF 2023

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State Project Director, Up Education for All Project Board & Ors. Vs. Saroj Maurya & Ors., Civil Appeal No. 3465 OF 2023

The Hon’ble Supreme Court while dealing with an SLP set aside the judgment and remanded a matter back to the Division Bench of Hon’ble Allahabad High Court for parties to appear and argue afresh as the impugned judgment did not contain any reasoning and merely agreed with the judgment of the single judge which was under appeal.

The Court while referring to an earlier decision reiterated that reason is the very life of law, when the reason of law ceases, the law itself generally ceases and the process of correction of judgments in appeal should not only be implemented but seen to be implemented. Speaking orders or reasoned decision is considered one of the three principles of natural justice which demands that justice should not only be done but manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.


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